Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Training Disasters

  • Continued training dogs - listened to advices of sprint mushers.
  • Said dogs only fed grain products - keep system clean, and built wheelbarrow rigs - for sprint practice.
  • Sprint practice - only speed, no endurance/strength.
  • The sprint mushers didn't understand the real strength/toughness of sled dogs.
  • Napoleon said morale - important in troops.
  • Same with sled dogs - gains strength, confidence, knowledge with practice, know the rewards of running well.
  • Diff. between trained and untrained dog - great.
  • With light gear sled - 4 to 5 dogs is good, on heavier ones 7 to 8 is good, if more dogs, musher have no control.
  • Dogs: Typhoon, Cookie, Yogi, Max, Storm, Steven, Bill, Devil, Murphy, Ortho, Big Mac, Raven, Byron.
  • After new dogs added to original seven, team lost gentleness, during first twenty runs, team extremely hard to control, wife said Paulsen look like "A big doggie toy" (75).
  • Packed supplies - harnessed dogs to rig, went for a run, dogs flew like the wind, but made turns good. Paulsen forgot to lean in, thrown upside down with rig, clothes ripped, supplies flew off. Stayed upside down for four miles.
  • Female dog in heat - all males fighting, worst run ever, but wife said it was the best.
  • The next few runs all like that, rig broke everytime.
  • Dragged on the ground again, with matches in pocket, they lit, wife laughed hard.
  • Saw in newspaper - dogs pulling car - got idea - went to junkyard, got old English Ford - heavier than the 120 pound rig.
  • Went well, had more control, did fall off anymore, all was good until ran into a skunk.
  • Skunk attack lead dog Cookie, Devil try to pry it off her, Paulsen try to stop fight, got sprayed in face.
  • Hit second skunk a mile later, got sprayed again.
  • Third skunk a mile later.
  • Six skunks that night, sprayed by 5
  • Wife said he stank too much, sleep with dogs in kennel.
  • Slept beside Devil, tail wagged, dogs started growling and howling - a song, Paulsen joins.
  • Stayed with dogs for a few nights, when moved back to house, dogs cry, wanted him to stay.
  • Next run - first snow, dogs - acted like team. Devil trips, almost ran over by sled until Murphy bit his harness and haul him up.
  • Sled tripped over ditch, Paulsen's leg hooked on sled, dragged for miles, bruised ribs, got cuts, didn't stop until team almost crashed into a deer.
  • Dogs never got tired, wife jokes - biggest trouble is to stop them at the finish line in Nome.

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